I had no idea there were soooo very many spammers and phishers out there in web land. Thanks to the Weasel, I have to approve any comments that are made to my posts. I’ll guarantee you one thing for sure, tomorrow I will have a minimum of 5 comments to this posting and they will say something like this:
“I’m so glad I post did find. This is such information valuable to me. Keep up the posting and to rid yourself of excess fat…..”
“Glad I found you post, such good information, I bookmark for sure and all friends do to, but I have problem with rss feed so please email me at my posting address. Keep up the good information posts”.
“My friend told me about how well you write all of this valuable information may I use it on my blog site at “some site name”, I write paper and need this valuable information would you please give me your phone number so we can talk sometime soon. This is such good site”.
WOW! Can you believe such bologna? For all the phishers and spammers out there…PLEASE TAKE A HIKE! It will do you good, and maybe you will fall down and break a few fingers and be unable to type such foolishness.
I have my anti hacker, anti phisher, anti spammer knobs turned up on full and your system will go down very soon and cost you your home and apartment and hovel and bike and shoes and socks to get a new one. Enjoy!
There! My rant is over.
Bears Butt
Sept. 11, 2012
We Are Control All of your bases! I can’t believe these people! We get emails from people like this all of the time from our website.
Good luck with this!!!