It was such a beautiful early Fall day today and instead of doing what I really need to do, I called up the Weasel and he and I took a short trip to the Perry, Utah Gun Range.
In an earlier post on this site I told you about their hours etc. It is a brand spanking new gun range in Northern Utah and is something we have been needing for a very long time! Thanks to folks like the Friends of the NRA (Cache), the National NRA, private local companies etc. the range has been partially completed and is up and running on Saturdays only right now.
We talked with a couple of the range masters today and they told us that a cover for the cement range is due to be installed beginning next week and should be done in a week or so. It will be very nice when that gets done.
So, where is this range?
Turn West off of highway 89-91 at 3000 South, Go west on this street for about 3 blocks (to the stop sign) and then turn right on 1200 West, you are only going to travel about 1/4 of a block before you turn left on 2950 South. Follow 2950 until you pass under the interstate and then make another left turn, about 1/2 a block later you will turn right and be on the road that takes you to the gun range.
Heck…here is a picture to help you:

West on 3000 South, Right on 1200 W, Left on 2950 South, Left after the interstate underpass, Right on the road to the range.
As you enter the range area there is a warning sign telling you about shooting and fun stuff like that and the view looks like this:
So far they only have cement down where the shooting platform is and it is nice and wide. They currently have six shooting tables, but have five more being made to place between each of the ones they have up now.
All of this cement will be covered with an awning in a couple of weeks but as for today, it was very pleasant to be sitting in the sunshine.
Again, talking with the range masters, they are currently only open on Saturdays and open the range at 10 a.m. and they shut the range down every 30 minutes for people to set up new targets. You can plan your day around that. The range is closed at 2 p.m. The days and times will change as more interest is shown in using the facility.
Currently the range has four basic distances at which to shoot.
Plinking and 50 yard distances:
Range distances of 100 yards and 150 yards
And the farthest today is 200 yards. Believe me, when they said it was 200 yards I about crapped! It looks like 300 yards and I would have lost a six pack of Oly on that one.
As time goes on, they plan on removing that big berm you see beyond the 200 yard range and will open things up to 1,000 yards! That will be a fun deal to watch someone shoot. No way in heck could I ever hit a target out that far. I have doubts about the 200 yard distance right now.
At any rate, there you have it and it will be a great addition to our area in the shooting sport world!
Get on out there and support it. Let’s make them all know we need it open more hours than the four currently being done.
Bears Butt
Sept. 8, 2012
The range master for this range has indicated the range is now open from 9-5 on Saturdays and Sundays! And you can go to Perry cities web page at to see current pictures of the range and see upcoming events! I thank him greatly for this information! I wonder how he found this site?
Thank you for the kind words about the Three Mile Creek Range. If you wanted to update your site, The range is now open on Saturday’s and Sunday’s…9:00-5:00.
If you go to the city’s website: you could see the current pictures of the range and see what events are coming up.
Thank you again for the kind words,
Eric Halter
Chief Range Master
Three Mile Creek Range
I look forward to shooting there soon. How long before you could shoot at 400yards to 600 yards you think. It looks great so far
David, The range has been undergoing continual upgrading since it first opened. Buildings, coverings, additional yardage ranges etc. Most recently the management has changed from the local police department to the city personnel. I have sent a list of questions to the city for answers and will post them on here when I get the answers. Looking forward to the Spring of 2016 for some fun times down on that range. They tell me a 1,000 yard range is coming!
I received word yesterday that the hours of range operation beginning in 2016 will start the first Saturday in May and then be open to the public on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. til 5 p.m. I also understand the 1,000 yard range was open last Fall and so should be available to those desiring to shoot that distance again this summer. Keep in mind that when the waterfowl season begins the range is shut down for public use as errant bullets would travel into the wetlands used by the waterfowl hunters. Good luck everyone and a big THANK YOU to Eric Halter for providing me with this information!