I guess I’ll vent. There are service providers all over the world just itching to get my money. Yours too. Just once, just once, I would like to think those service providers that I do employe for one thing or another would be looking to keep me as a subscriber by giving me some real incentive to stay with them and not bail out and pick up some other company that does the same thing.
Does this not make sense, especially in todays economy?
I won’t say who this company is, but I am convinced I could drop their services and pick up another company that does the exact same thing and maybe even at a lower price. I just renewed my subscription and I emailed them to find out about a “loyal customer” discount…their response was that they offer discounts through various tv/radio show hosts and if I would put in the “code” when I renewed my subscription that they would honor it and give me the discount.
I have already re-signed up! It’s too late for me to go search for a discount code! Why can’t they just credit me with the discount and make me feel good?
I’m sorry, but if you are a service provider and are reading this, I don’t think I am the only one in the world that feels the way I do. So, do you and your company a big favor and give up a few discounts to those customers of yours that have been sticking with you for a few years buying your product/service.
Bears Butt
Nov. 2011
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