The “Deputy” came through with some very fine drinking stuff for the kill jug this year (2011) and I have it in my possession. Of course the label conceals its real identity as is usual for our large camp. I’ll guarantee the seal has not been broken and assorted types of drink poured in to replace the liquid from the distiller. It is what it came to me as, with only the label changed to protect the innocent. I thank you Deputy! He said he could not find it locally and had to import it. Of course it was imported using legal means, a fine upstanding Deputy would not do it any other way.
This muzz hunt is shaping up nicely to be one of our most famous. We have a new kill jug, a new “Magpie Express”, a new and improved “Rack”…and I’m sure a lot of hidden and waiting surprises in the wings. Will the camp see the famous “Twinkie Man”? Time will tell!
This hoss is really looking forward to the hunt, the camp, the fun. If my plans come together I will venture into the Crawford range with the famous amung us, “The Chosen ONE”! If my plans come together I will ride in the “Blue Goose”, my first time ever riding in the Magpie Express, with Magpie at the helm. If my plans comes together I will win the coveted “Big Buck Contest”!
One thing we all can be reassured should not happen and that is our good old retriever Dry Dog will not be swimming out to retrieve any bucks from Jo B this season.
Memories will be brought up and more will be made on this trip. One goal we all should be putting in our own plans is to be safe. And we know how to do that and still have more fun than any other camp on the mountain. I hope the old codger that yelled at me last year finds another spot to hunt. He has an attitude!
Bears Butt
Sept. 2011
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