By: Bears Butt

I’ve said this before and so this is just a reminder.  Unless you visit on a daily basis, the Sir Butt series will actually be backwards reading for you and won’t make any sense at all as a story.  Of course even as a story, it probably still does not make sence.  SO……if you look at the very bottom of the post you will see a number in parenthesis…todays is (5)….scroll down until you see (1) and begin reading up through the posts.  That will catch you up to the story.

Be sure to visit each day.  I don’t always place a Sir Butt continuance on every day, but when I do you don’t want to be left behind!

I hope you are enjoying visiting this site!

Bears Butt

Lost in his own little world………………………………………..and enjoying it.

Written on July 1st, 2011 , Uncategorized | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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Just some of my old stories, new stories, and in general what is going on in my life.